






Book Club TBA Lunch MakerSpace/Learning Commons Ms. Baggaley, Ms. Lopushinsky, Mrs. Kawalilak-Kambeitz Themed independent reads, and group reads as kits are signed out through RDPL 
Career Club TBA   Career Centre (2600) Ms. Holmes Everyone is welcome
Environment Club Wednesday's 1st half of lunch Room 1206 Ms. Newton "Projects" will be completed on REACH Fridays
Esports Club Varies (TBA) After School 2601 Mr. Mills/Ms.Baggaley  No experience required, Students can compete or serve as mentors/coaches depending on interest. Will require after school/lunch commitments.
Ignite Wednesday Lunch Room 1700 (Choir) Mr. Snider/Mrs. Stober IGNITE is a new group at LTCHS for Students and Staff to come experience an all inclusive lunch hour of fellowship, food, devos, and worship. This is a great time to learn about Jesus, ask questions, and hang out.
Math Club REACH Friday's REACH #1 2300 Mrs. Park Gr. 10-12 Students are Welcome. This is to Participate Alberta High School Math Competition hosted by U of A and U of C. The competition is on 2nd Tuesday in November.
Robotics Club Monday & Thursday After School 3303 Ms. Simpson-Pineda No experience required
Tabletop Games Club Thursday After School Learning Commons Ms. Baggaley/ Ms. Lopushinsky Dungeons and Dragons (potential for other games too!
QSA Thursday Lunch Room 2314 Mrs. Penner/Mrs. Barker Everyone welcome!